TurboTax Premier 2022 Code 分享贴

欢迎来这里发你用剩下的turbo tax premier 2022 code,只要你能激活,就有免费的state download

还有,please don‘t beg,有code 就回复这贴,如果你想要code 的话别回复,盯着贴就行。

software download link:

edit 5 activation 都用完了

27 个赞

这个已经用完了,activate的时候就直接提示All available activations for that code have been used. Error code: 603

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state file是不是额外付钱就可以从federal的data转过去?

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err 怎么说呢
assuming you bought the $5 code from the other deal, it includes 5 Federal eFile and 1 state download.

Let’s say you live in AZ, you would

  1. download the software
  2. activate it with the code
  3. go to the state file section and download the AZ state add on for free since it’s included
  4. go through the process and fill out your info for federal, it will auto fill the AZ state one


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good question, 不知道哦,泥潭应该有前些年share code 的人,可以看看他们怎么说的


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:+1: :+1:

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(去年跟ld分别买了各自的premier完全不知道federal efile可以一起用 :joy:

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你用我google drive 里面的file 来安装,然后用别人share的code

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卧槽,我刚刚test 了一下,每个code 可以用在5个不同state download 上面,as long as they are all on diff computers。this is huge
意思就是只要你能激活code,就可以下载任何state 免费
如果一个人要搞multiple state的话一个code 加两个电脑或者virtual machine 就够了


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啊那share起来限制就更少了,nice。不过想file multi state的人用两台电脑分别file的话,应该会存在潜在的double tax的问题,比如有没有reciprocal agreement,手填另一个州是挺麻烦的一件事。

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in theory 可以file 完一个州之后把存档挪到第二个电脑那里然后搞第二个州?不知道可行不

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思路打开了 :liekai:

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大家不想等code的话可以按照这个操作搞个free premier web version,直接绑定到你turbotax账号里面,他们应该不能clawback的

download vs web version:
web 的好处是: 无限免费state,无限免费 eFile, 不用花一分钱
download 的好处是。。。完全不怕被clawback? :yaoming:

6 个赞