Chime Checking $345 ($100 Referral +245 Swagbucks)

好像没看见有人提这个,$100 Referral+24500 Swagbucks的offer,我个人感觉挺好拿。

操作步骤如下【已过期,他们更新了terms拿了refer的不能拿swagbucks。但是仍然有人通过先swagbucks link拿到offer后再找chime客服要100刀来stack,具体可看下面图片DP】:

  1. 点开refer链接,然后用swagbucks button激活24500的offer
  2. 30天内有一笔200刀以上的DD,假DD也可以,DoC好像有,最多DP是Ally的算DD。DD有效的话100刀直接秒到账
  3. 随后再来一笔200以上的DD,等swagbucks把24000打过来


最新stack DP:我个人认为确保拿到swagbucks的比referral更好

3 个赞



为啥terms里写要 11月30前enroll


这家没撸过,不知道要不要开 :troll:

请问term是不是这个月改了?好像只需要一笔$200 DD了?

犹豫了,Swagbucks现在只有140了 :sob:

1 个赞



1 个赞

double dip swagbucks要撕吗

先swagbucks然后chime找客服要refer credit是最近的dp,看起来chime好撕一点

已撸谢谢楼主,另外这个是要第一次 dd 完成后才会在 swagbucks 上面显示 pending 么?目前只有 visit 的记录

请问有人fake dd后也拿到swagbucks了吗?怕swagbucks不认账




schwab push 了两次 201 刀,swagbucks 没显示 pending,问了回复说:

Thank you for reaching out to us, and we apologize for the inconvenience experienced. Please know per the terms of the Chime offer, it credits after 70 days from the date the first $200 Minimum Employer Payroll Direct Deposit was deposited into your Chime account and will not show as pending. The first direct deposit must be received within 30 days of enrollment with Chime.

If you have not received credit after 70 days since the first qualifying direct deposit, please provide the following information:

-Date of Chime Enrollment:

-Date of First $200 Employer Payroll Direct Deposit:

-Screenshot(s) of the Chime Sign-Up Confirmation Email:

-Screenshot of your Chime Account showing the email address associated with the account:

-Screenshot(s) of your Chime account showing the first required Employer Payroll Direct Deposit (Screenshots Must Show Deposit Names, Descriptions, and Exact Dates) from your transaction ledger uncropped.

-Screenshot(s) of your Chime account showing the second required Employer Payroll Direct Deposit (Screenshots Must Show Deposit Names, Descriptions, and Exact Dates) from your transaction ledger uncropped.

1 个赞


用得referral link还是直接swagbucks开的?