US Bank Biz Checking 350-800 bonus 9/30 截止 CC 3000


Amex有没有给你打电话或者发邮件? 我是刚转钱过去的时候,Amex立刻发了封邮件说怀疑fraud,我打电话过去说是我自己花的,然后就好了

我申请没有秒批,review批准之后没有收到信用卡的fraud电话或者短信,是Chase的卡。请问你是review approved之后立刻就收到的amex电话吗

对,我是秒批的,因为有一张US bank 的alitude go几年了,可能算有点联系, 线上秒批后amex就直接一封邮件过来了,让我打电话过去

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我是早上开的。9点25提交。10点10 分approve,并扣3000。有可能晚上慢吧。

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after lunch 要了我的驾照
4/5/pm approve
7pm -3000

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大结局了,刚刚看到3000 pending了。没有触发alert

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申请第二个biz 的时候,可以先log in再申吗,还是说应该continue as guest? 怕先log in再申的话不能CC fund 3 K了?


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Biz我没试过 个人卡没问题 所以应该没差吧

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但是这三千元是属于cash advance

請問有人用 amex bbp fund 成功的嗎?試了幾次都刷不過,amex 客服直接說這張不能 cash advance


  • 800 bonus需要存30000而不是25000了。
  • 需要保持相应的balance 60天才能拿到相应的奖励,而不是之前说的30天即可。

You must make new deposit(s) of at least $25,000 in new money deposits within 30 days of account opening and thereafter maintain a balance of at least $25,000 until the 60th day after account opening.
Deposit at least $30,000 in new money within 30 days of account opening and maintain at least that balance for 60 days after opening the account.

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早开划算, :troll:

我才发现之前的term 是30天,还以为是60天

读了一下term里的小字,好象还是keep balance until 60th of account open.

Earn your $800 Business Checking bonus by opening a new U.S. Bank Platinum Business Checking account between 7/3/2024 and 9/30/2024. You must make deposit(s) of at least $30,000 in new money within 30 days of account opening and thereafter maintain a daily balance of at least $30,000 until the 60th day after account opening.

没变。唯一变得就是。钱需要30k了。产品变化,需要开Platinum Business Checking ,才可以赚800。变有维护费了,满足每日2万5,免维护费。可以等65天之后降成 Silver Business Checking ,把钱拉出来

还有现在存5000。只有300了。 之前是400



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