墨西哥签证和绿卡: 美国永居,拉斯维加斯TR签证,墨西哥Day1 TR, Day 5 PR - No Decision Yet

南加橙县尔湾居民,准备办美国公民了,开始考虑墨西哥绿卡。申请了 1YR TR, 3 天后马上又申请PR, 被要求回家等最终审核,但是个人感觉办下来的概率不大。

  1. 申请永居给的存款证明是谷歌翻译的,没有任何第三方认证。不知道最终审核能不能办下来。如果被拒了,临时绿卡怎么取回来还不知道。。。。
  2. 申请永居后,走的太急,没办 Exit and Reentry Permit, 也没了临时绿卡,不知道怎么回墨西哥。万一 PR 终审通过了,以游客身份回墨西哥,不知道还能办下来了 PR 吗。能走线回墨西哥吗?但是海关应该知道我的护照离开过墨西哥。

南加橙县尔湾居民,尝试 Santa Ana Office 两次被拒,要求苛刻,被不同理由背刺,银行没有盖章,不是公民只是绿卡,年龄不够。洛杉矶不给非本区居民办理,圣地亚哥网传也不靠谱。只好 email vegas 领馆,特地花了几百刀去 Vegas 玩了一圈,顺带签证,全程十分顺利,但是因为年龄不够,只给了 TR. 看了下网上和小红书攻略,决定 CDMX 换卡。

08/30 - Friday
12:30AM: 74$ from OC to LAX. Flew out from LAX to CDMX.
5:30AM: Arrived at CDMX Airport, Asked for CANJE. Downloaded FMM on Phone. Confirmed 30 Days + CANJE on the form. Didi 156 Peso to INM CDMX.
6:40AM: Arrived at INM, Paid 250 PESO to “Vanessa” and Bought Postion 3 and 4 with a Chinese friend。到处都是中国人办卡。
8:00AM: Entered INM Plaza and signed up for 9AM Appointment at Position 3.
9:00 AM Entered IBM Building and sat in the chair and keep moving my ass in a “N” direction on the chairs.
10:00AM: Called to the counter and finished all paperworks and payment within 30-40 mins
10:40AM: Wait to get CURP - it took a 30 mins here and no idea why.
11:10AM: Sent to 2nd floor to get photo and fingerprint. but wait 30mins to be called.
11:40AM: Took photo and fingerprint. Sent to the outside lobby for the card
12:20PM: Called by name and received my 1 Year TR

8/31-9/1 Weekends
周末两天在墨西哥城使劲的浪,去了金字塔,坐了热气球,坐了花船点了哥,逛了宪法广场,看了著名女艺术家的故居,看了墨西哥自由大学,吃了小红书和本地导游推荐的各种 Tacos.
周末突发奇想,能不能 1 Year TR 转 PR? 马上跑去 Office Depot 打印了 200 页的银行存款证明,就是用的谷歌翻译,很不幸,谷歌翻译在左上角大大的写了 “Machine Translated by Google”, 交表之前完全没发现。然后晚上填表, 准备周一去看看。读了网上几个DP, 觉得有一定希望。

09/02 Monday
7:00AM: Today is a big day. 1 YR TR to PR!! Spent 250 pesos bought 3rd position again from “Vanessa” again. Met a group of Chinese friends. Some need to leave in the afternoon. LOL
8:00AM: Entered INM Plaza and signed up as Position 1 but assigned to 12:30PM due to Friday Overflow. 郁闷!!!! All chinese 小伙伴 都担心当天拿不到卡。
8:00 AM - 12:00PM: Walked to Costco CDMX - a bad decision. All goods are like US. Good thing is to hang out with a group of Chinese just-met friends.
12:30PM: Entered INM Building and started to wait again on chairs. Of course, moving my ass in “N” on chairs for 1 hour.
1:00PM: My turn to submit 1 Year TR to PR Application. Adjust based on Retiree + Saving. Staff got confused and called supervisors. They sent me to the center counter/information desk “61” and consulate. wait about 2 hours and no conclusion. Asked me to come back to INM next day.
3:00PM: Booked the hotel for 1 more night and extended my PTO to Tuesday 9/3. left INM to the hotel via DIDI.
4:00PM: Learned from Wechat Group that all 小伙伴都是三个小时拿到了他们的 1 年临时卡,都可以顺利回家。

09/03 Tuesday
9:15AM: Arrived INM and visited Counter 61 Information Desk directly. Talked to Agent that I spoke on Monday. Asked me to wait
9:45AM: Told me they can allow me to apply
9:50AM Sent me to the last seat of the line. OK - need to move my ass again in “N” form for another hour.
10:40AM: Called to counter. Staff is confused again. Called supervisor. Told staff it is ok to proceed. Collected 1700ish peso for pre-processing fee and asked me to wait for a new email. I turned in 我热乎乎的 1 一年居留卡。
11:00AM: DIDI to 墨西哥人类学自然博物馆
7:00PM: Flew back to LAX and landed at 11:30PM
12:10PM: Global Entry 5秒过关,打车 $110回到橙县的家。

7 个赞





拿着办 PR 的回执好像可以入境。实在不行就陆路走去 TIJ 再坐飞机。



1 个赞


1 个赞


走CBX 还便宜些。。。CBX有挂壁大巴到santa ana, 赶不上打车回来也就130。


1 个赞


不行CBX查证件,填FMM, 只能陆路过关。

1 个赞

所以google 翻译的银行存款证明在inm接收了,去办理pr,没有问题?这是好消息啊



我准备 TJ 走线,反正不能以游客的身份回去。


cdmx的inm,年龄没有背刺没有问(unlike 您提到的领馆),只是staff confused和重新等审查。大概哪个年龄段会稳一点呢?


lz知道哪里的陆路海关从墨西哥回美国是不查证件的么? 我是说墨西哥出境那边不查,美国入境是肯定会查的

我也是santa ana被拒
检查我文件的小姐姐都说我全部合格 就是那个领事不想给
大佬有vegas的 要求文件 存款要求之类的吗

想啥呢?从墨西哥陆路关口进美国,美国不查证件?怎么可能有, 有的话无证移民不挤爆了
