我记得很多人搞造假的免税amazon account
Resale tax exemption 吧?
盗刷和真货假货参杂着卖 多伦多这边就有人这么做的 卖lv ipad pro什么的 都能做到免税 真不真就不好说了 都是有店铺的 有店铺证明不了什么 之前世家堡还专门有人和苹果店里串联 偷来的二手iphone回去换新
之前在台北机场遇到免税卖iPhone 8的,很久以前了,后来在机场怎么也找不到了
Generally, goods exported from Canada by a Canadian vendor are zero-rated. If the goods are delivered or made available to you outside Canada, no GST/HST is charged.
楼上这些既没有熟悉加拿大resell黑产的懂哥来爆详细渠道,也没有熟悉加拿大进出口退税的懂哥来个可行性分析,只能说我期待的懂哥还没出现 。我不认识这个老板也没有想做黑产,您不要戾气这么大,不至于没救了哈 。
Yes, it is possible for someone to resell iPhones purchased in Canada and ship them directly to U.S. customers without paying the Canadian Goods and Services Tax (GST) or Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), as long as the goods are exported from Canada.
Since exported goods are generally zero-rated under Canadian tax laws, as long as the business ensures that the iPhones are shipped directly to a U.S. address and not delivered or made available within Canada, no GST/HST would be applied. However, the business would need to carefully document the export of the goods to demonstrate compliance with these rules.
That said, the business may need to consider other taxes, such as U.S. customs duties or import taxes that might apply when the iPhone enters the U.S. Additionally, depending on the volume of sales, U.S. state sales tax laws may come into play, especially if the business develops a significant presence in certain U.S. states.
- Customs Duty Rate for iPhones
- For personal electronics like smartphones, including iPhones, the customs duty rate is typically 0%. This is because under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) of the U.S., smartphones generally fall under a category that is duty-free.
- Even though the iPhone exceeds the $800 threshold, in most cases, no customs duty will be assessed on the device itself.
ChatGPT讲消费税部分确实有点tricky,分州,而且好像sales tax是我的义务去report。比如纽约州:
- Use Tax: If the iPhone is purchased from a seller that does not collect New York sales tax (for example, a Canadian seller), the recipient in New York is required to pay use tax at the same rate as the sales tax.
- In New York City, this would be 8.875%, so the recipient would owe $88.75 in use tax on a $1,000 iPhone.
- Self-Reporting: If no sales tax is collected by the seller, the recipient must report and pay the use tax when they file their New York State income tax return or use a specific form to report the use tax (Form ST-140).
3. Double Taxation?
- If You Paid Canadian Sales Tax: If, for some reason, you were charged Canadian GST/HST and the item was sent directly to the U.S., you could still be subject to U.S. state sales or use tax. However, paying Canadian tax does not automatically exempt you from U.S. taxes.
- Tax Refund from Canada: Since the iPhone was exported from Canada to the U.S., you may be eligible to request a refund for the Canadian GST/HST that was paid. Canada has refund procedures for sales tax paid on goods that are later exported. This process would typically require documentation that proves the goods were shipped out of the country.
- U.S. State Sales/Use Tax Still Applies: Regardless of whether you paid Canadian tax, U.S. state authorities are mainly concerned with whether you paid U.S. sales or use tax. So, even if you paid Canadian tax, your state could still require you to pay use tax if it was not collected at the time of purchase.
所以结论是还是要付消费税。那么实际上确实应该是免加拿大的消费税?要不然就被Double Tax了。
黑产就是盗刷或者苹果店员工配合当evil claim丢货
我同意没必要贪小便宜向陌生人买免税IPhone。只是确实好奇是不是真有免税这个渠道。把法条丢给chatgpt还真发现似乎理论上应该免税,要不然就要被美国要求交sales tax被double tax了。 (虽然我感觉99%的人根本不会想到要自主申报消费税)
不过这不是退税 就是正常的消费税豁免