suffix tree的O(n)

就是那个Ukknonen,看都没看懂,stackoverflow上那个高赞还是没看懂,求点拨。大佬们在实际工作中用到过这个吗?或者suffix array就行了

面试的话懂得 trie 就够了,实际工作中基本都是用 suffix array,因为省空间……

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竟然实用工作中也用suffix array :thinking:

1 个赞

suffix array好背 倍增简单 真正打竞赛一般也不会卡的(也可能科技进步了…

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Gusfield p89-107。注意到:

Lemma: During the algorithm we never explicitly perform Rule 1 extensions.
Proof: Suppose we perform an explicit Rule 1 extension as the extension j of phase i. Clearly i > 1, j < i. Then in phase i-1, extension j is a Rule 3 extension, be it implicit or explicit. This means s[j…i-1] has appeared before in the string (i.e. as a substring of s with start index < j). But since extension j of phase i is a Rule 1 extension, s[j…i-1] is a path that leads to a leaf node after phase i-1, which means s[j…i-1] could not have appeared before. Contradiction.

Corollary: In each phase, all Rule 1 extensions are done implicitly, and we do some Rule 2 extensions explicitly until we do a Rule 3 extension explicitly, in which case we return early and proceed to the next phase.


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