
You are ineligible for this offer. You may be receiving this message because you’re not eligible for the offer or your registration window has expired. :yaoming:

我有 已经注册 刚好到12/31 我点数订了十天 白给1万点数 美滋滋

但是是之前订的 算吗?

1 个赞

You are ineligible for this offer. You may be receiving this message because you’re not eligible for the offer or your registration window has expired. :yaoming:(+1)

我已经注册完毕了! target ?

看一圈下来我的offer最好 :rofl:

你本来就入住很多的话集团默认你不需要定向来激励了 :troll:


We’re sorry (you’re our BITCH)


1 个赞

:relieved:我也是滴 小蜘猪

马上要住了。好难过。 :cry:

可惜我不在国内也没机会三个月里回去 :cry:


羡慕,我q4能住60n 就差这个target offer

hyatt今天又发了一波?收到一个十分垃圾的offer每5晚奖励3k点,up to 30k :cry:

When you register for this exclusive offer, you can earn 1,500 Bonus Points per qualifying night, up to 10 nights, for a total of 15,000 Bonus Points.