NYT体验土航lounge和St. Regis Istanbul

算是今年看到比较有创意的报道了,NYT今天发了按Eric Adams市长的标准体验一圈TK头等舱、St. Regis套房要多少钱
@Adobe 老师快来看

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The Times paid $9,236.90 for my round-trip ticket, tax included
PS: 战地记者如果被派到有五星级酒店的城市,大概率也会入住。比如说叙利亚内战时,西方记者通常住大马士革的四季酒店

Also, in a strange turn of events, the (Turkish Airlines) lounge’s Wi-Fi password turned out to be TKNYCADAMS.
That was merely an odd coincidence, according to the attendant at the front desk, who said that the lounge was operated by a company called Adams International and that its proprietor was a man named John Adams.

The way dinner was preceded by a trolley full of appetizers — an eggplant mélange, hummus, boiled shrimp and falafel, among other things — mixed and matched at our seats by an attendant wearing a chef’s toque and apron.

Yet it’s hard not to read the story of Mr. Adams and his trips as a cautionary tale about the perils of accepting free luxury anything, especially if you’re a politician obliged to fill out pesky financial disclosure forms. It may indeed be better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, but not when it comes to travel. Once you’ve been in the front of a plane or stayed in one of the best rooms at a five-star hotel, it’s disproportionately painful to be sent back to economy or forced to return once again to a Studio Suite at the Residence Inn.
:arrow_up: 这个我是完全不认同的。烧券体验完华尔道夫之后,还是期待住低端高值的大车店,住得舒心。


人家市长身居高位,觉得自己 entitled to ____ 这个说实话可以理解。(虽然他不可避免地陷入了腐败丑闻)

(至于这个蹭了纽约时报 $9,000+ 只为了码一篇文章的记者 :doge:)



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