链接如下:Wake Up Your Wallet & Earn $300 | Live Oak Bank Personal Savings
- 1/13/25截止
- 截止日期前Transfer 20k 放60天 (从20k满足那天开始算)
- 账户本身有4.3% APY, 合计13.4%左右APY
如果之前有申请过同一家的$200的bonus ([Expired] Live Oak Bank $200 Personal Savings Bonus (New & Existing Users) - Doctor Of Credit),是可以double dip的(更多讨论详见[Expired] Live Oak Bank $200 Personal Savings Bonus (New & Existing Users) - Doctor Of Credit )。操作如下:
- 再开一个新的saving #2,存入20k, 用来满足上面$300
- 为了$200的这个saving #1,里面的balance需要在Saving #2的这60天一直保持Nov 11th那天的balance的数额。这是用于满足terms里面的: In addition to the other requirements for the bonus offer, existing Live Oak Bank customers must maintain their existing account balances (not including interest accrued but not credited to the account) at or above the end of day balance as of November 11, 2024 11:59:59pm (ET) across their existing personal savings in order to be eligible for the bonus offer.