Explorer Biz每年有一个$100的travel credit,激活方式是要在该年United旅行相关内容上消费7次且每次累计满$100,打了个括号因为薅这个福利成本有点高所以不算在扣除年费中。
$100 United Annual Travel Credit
Each anniversary year that you make seven (7) United flight travel-related purchases, each totaling $100 or more, with your United℠ Business Card, you will receive a $100 statement credit. United flight travel-related purchases include seat upgrades; Economy Plus®; inflight food, beverages and Wi-Fi; baggage service charges or other United fees. Anniversary year means the year beginning with your card account open date through the anniversary of the account open date, and each 12 months after that. The statement credit will post to your account within 24 hours of your 7th United $100 or more purchase posting to your account. To qualify, account must be open and not in default at the time of fulfillment.