如果用于编behavior question的回答,我能想到的是,weakness相关,例如我可以说这是我的一种“weakness”,没有提前预见到可能的back and forth,提前ask clarification question得知对方的真实意图,然后我该如何improve我的communication。还可以用于,我如何处理conflict,例如这个案例针对是否立即删除文件有conflict。还有disagree and commit,我disagree,但是要删除,我也可以commit。还有就是编写故事的时候,把我放在reviewer的角色上, Insist on the Highest Standards,尽管对于prod没影响,可是这是engineering excellence,style方面也要高要求(这里用highest standards是否有点牵强?)。
In my first month at a company, I submitted a PR (code change) that ran successfully for several months without issues. Four months later, a previous reviewer reached out, pointing out that one file in the PR might cause confusion and suggesting it should be deleted. After several rounds of discussion, I explained my original reasoning and referenced precedents. Ultimately, he decided to take ownership of deleting the file, and I didn’t need to make any changes.
Behavioral Interview Applications
I can reflect on this as a weakness, such as not anticipating potential back-and-forth discussions and failing to clarify the reviewer’s intentions early on. A key improvement would be enhancing communication and asking clarification questions upfront.
Conflict Resolution:
This case demonstrates how I addressed a conflict over whether the file should be deleted. I respected the reviewer’s perspective and supported the final decision.
Disagree and Commit:
Although I disagreed with the necessity of deleting the file, I committed to supporting the team’s decision and ensured alignment with the reviewer’s direction.
Insist on the Highest Standards:
From the reviewer’s perspective, I could frame the case to highlight a commitment to engineering excellence and maintaining high standards for code style and clarity, even if there’s no immediate production impact.