Chase retention offers

回报!发! :pray:

4 个赞


4 个赞

赞楼上的dp!刚打了电话也成功要到$150,加上西南大法薅的$300,零年费拿85k FN,比升级前$95年费拿35k FN爽多了

2 个赞

感谢感谢,2min拿了150 :rofl:

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1 个赞

太强了 三年:chestnut:没要到过

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DP 7/31 post annual fee, 8/27 call to close account, chase offered $150 to keep it

annual fee posted on 9/1. called today on 9/4. no retention offer. I asked when is the last day to close account with annual fee refunded. agent said you may close the card now and fees will be prorated from anniversary date. :sweat_smile: I said I will reconsider.

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csr 09/01 posted 今天打电话没有offer 准备下个礼拜再打个