在里面看到这么一段话,关于 contribution 和 conversion 的时间间隔:
If you do decide to convert [a nondeductible IRA contribution to a Roth IRA], the timing can be a little bit tricky. Some time should pass between the date of the contribution and the date of the conversion, but it’s not completely clear how much is enough.
Avoiding The Step Transaction Doctrine On Your Roth IRA Backdoor Contribution
… A prudent rule of thumb in the context of the backdoor Roth contribution is to wait a year …
… [Do] not, in any notes or records, indicate that you are doing to do a “backdoor Roth IRA contribution” in the first place ! …
为了避免收入限制,back door roth分成两步,先做 non deductible contribution to traditional ira。2006年通过的税法规定了roth conversion不受收入限制,所以第二步做traditional ira 到 roth的conversion就绕开了收入限制。
step transaction doctrine 如果被严格执行的话,那么这两步可以被合并解释为roth ira contribution,而不是你以为的conversion,那就违反了税法关于roth contribution的收入限制。
back door roth一直有这个风险。有人不管,到账立即做conversion,有人会等一年。fidelity当然不会给你明确写等多少时间,不然报道上出现了偏差…
2018年的减税法案通过后,有人发现back door roth已被国会正式确认为合法。
“Although an individual with AGI exceeding certain limits is not permitted to make a contribution directly to a Roth IRA, the individual can make a contribution to a traditional IRA and convert the traditional IRA to a Roth IRA.”