我前天买了500刀的Apple gift card,但是好像只有1倍了…我看论坛都是10倍啊?请问下什么情况啊?
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你是不是在apple.com直接买的apple gift card?应该从app store里点add funds to apple id,这时候是streaming,但就是和apple id绑定了。
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但是不是这样的话,我的GC无法用于去买苹果店里的东西了吧… 在App store里的钱能干啥呢?
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现在你apple id的balance可以在apple online store买东西,也可以在app store买app,但balance不能去实体店现场用。所以你充进去的钱可以在apple online store用,shipping或者pick up。
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OKOK, 谢谢啦
Using more than one payment method
You can also combine payment methods to pay for your purchase. Choose from the following combinations of credit cards and gift cards:
- Credit card(s) - up to two
- Apple Gift Card(s) - up to eight
- Apple Gift Card(s) - up to eight + one credit card
- Apple Gift Card(s) - up to eight + Apple Account Balance
- Apple Gift Card(s) - up to eight + Apple Account Balance + one credit card
- Apple Account Balance + one credit card
Apple Gift Cards and Apple Account Balance cannot be used with Apple Pay, PayPal, or split credit card payments. Please note that you can use the value from all types and generations of Apple gift cards.
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