今天VO的 发了求好运求过
VO 1 System Design short URL 参考
VO 2 Coding
Given an unsorted array of int find number of subarrays having sum equal to k
example:arr=[10, 2, -2, -20, -10] target k = -10
VO3 Coding
Design a PM system to manage tasks.
- create tasks within project. Each project has many tasks. For each task, we will have descriptions and other fields. We will have enum status (created, in progress, finished) and enum priority(low, mid, high)
- We need to query tasks by project, status, priority.
一个OOD 的问题
VO4 Coding
Currency exchange; Given
{from: USD, to: EUR, rate: 1.1}
{from: EUR, to: GBP, rate: 1.1}
Find USD → GBP rate. Expected result is 1.21. If multiple paths, find any of them.
Follow up: If there are multiple path from start to end, how to find the result with highest rate