NRA今天突然收到IRS $1400


网上一查居然是irs开始自动给2021年没有claim疫情救济金的人补发这笔钱 还特意提到了eligible就发钱 无须任何操作 :yaoming:


泥潭有类似情况的吗 :yaoming:

42 个赞

看来是拜登下台前要把没撒出去的钱都撒出去 :troll:

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所以eligibility criteria是什么

我收到钱的账户是去年报税新加的 不是21年用的

如果ach return了也会寄paper check

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我今年是ra 怎么没收到 :troll:

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这里可以查查看有没有 Economic impact payments:

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看了 目前20和21年显示都是0 :yaoming:

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当年的chase checking被我关了,,,心痛

去年报税时没退税所以没填帐户 :cold_sweat:

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这有点钓鱼的意思啊:yaoming:给Trump驱逐出境准备弹药啊:yaoming: 登哥和川普的善意 :rofl:

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I filed correctly but received the payment. What should I do?

This is another common scenario we have seen over the past year.

Most people find they have either cashed the check or have not cashed it, so will be left with two options:

1. You received the check but have not yet cashed it:

  1. You’ll need to write “Void” on the back of the check.
  2. Mail the check to a valid IRS branch location closest to you.
  3. Include in it a note outlining why you are returning the check.

2. You received the payment as a check and cashed it/ you received the payment through direct deposit:

  1. This will require you to send a personal check, or money order, etc., to your relevant IRS branch location.
  2. On the check/money order, you’ll have to write “made payable to ‘U.S. Treasury’” and also write ‘2020EIP’, and your taxpayer ID (in this case your social security number, or individual taxpayer identification number/ITIN).
  3. Again, give an explanation of the reason for returning the payment.
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我也都是0。但我看了一下2021 account transcript,最后多了1400,12/26/24 issue :partying_face:
@GPT5 @绫濑千早

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是在这儿看的么 :sob:

我也是 Impact Payment都是0,2021 account transcript上最后一行多了1400,12/26/24 issue。我21年刚入学难道也eligible么 :wulian:
Screenshot 2024-12-21 132537

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我也在transcript上看到了也有这个 12/30 issue.

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点这个里面 看2021transcript

我也有1400 12/26要issue了



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